BELLHOPS IS A START-UP that developed an app and workforce-management system to coordinate moving services throughout the country. One of these days, I’ll write about everything I learned in my two years there. About that first year spent rebranding and rebuilding its website, its app, its order flow, its e-mails, its ads—every touch point with its customers and workforce. Then that second year, rebranding and rebuilding it all over again.

For now, though, I can tell you that when a company is given tens of millions in venture capital, it attracts a legion of smart and talented people. But if those people can’t agree, it can be difficult to escape a never-ending pattern of reinvention. It’s fun to get all those reps in, exploring new concepts, but at times it can also feel like an enormous waste.

Despite that, in my time there, the company doubled, then doubled again. Revenue grew 534 percent while the price of services increased 25 percent.

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