The First Rebrand

THIS YEARLONG PROJECT involved the in-house creative team, the design firm Gin Lane, a dozen executive stakeholders, and, at times, random board members who stopped by unannounced to “take a quick look.”

I’d like to say we all agreed on everything the whole time. I’d like to say we all put on an amazing display of listening skills. I’d like to say that at no point did the CEO stand up during a meeting, pound on the table, and shout, “We are not quirky. We are not Wes Anderson. We are Dwayne The Rock Johnson!” But saying those things would make me a liar. 

In the end, though, we completed the project, and the company raised $31 million in its series-C round of funding.

A branding agency even used the new site as a case study for great copywriting, which was flattering. You can find that case study here.

Click to view the copy guide I developed in the process.


Chicago L Train Takeover